Bishara group liabilities

Hi Bisharians, hey, it seems that due to the time it has taken to get my account re-instated by LL, the group setting now shows that there is ‘no owner’ to the group, and that meant the liabilities normally carried by me somehow got switched to yourselves or those of you who are members of that group.  I apologise outright. I have never charged any of you a dime for being in the group or on the resort, and it was my intention that this remain so.  However the above setting seems an automated setting when a group owner’s account goes ‘diliquent’.  Hopefully by the end of this week at the latest, this will all be reset and back to normal again, and anyone of you who were affected by any fee for group liabilities can come and see me for a full refund and a personal apology.  Again I am sorry some of you were charged L$1 liability fees. I sincerely hope this will not happen again.

SL Profiles surf group for those offline chats :)

Hiya surfer dudes and dudettes!  I created a group for offline chatting at SLProfiles.  Come and join:

Ripped off surfing products!

Hiya Bisharians!

Hey, take a moment and read ‘

Excellent comment from Heather Goodliffe about the work she and Seb have done for surfing in SL, and her fears about copied work and dishonest operators, in response to my own piece on the matter.  Let’s get behind the efforts to clean up the surfing product offerings in SL by purchasing only from designers who honour their agreements with creators like HG and Seb, and let’s encourage innovative new designers who clearly have not ripped off someone else’s designs.  I always find voting with your wallet works wonders 🙂

~Placing our new golf course soon~

Yes, we’re finally ready to put down our golf course in the resort, stretching across the islands and made to be fun. Please keep in mind that this game will be subject to the physics of Second Life, so see yourself as a bush hockey player rather than a golf player 🙂 At least initially, but with perseverence you could be the next Tiger Woods, eeeehhhh, virtually of course!