Bishara is gone, long live Bishara

Aloha Bishara – Despite the promise from LL to leave the sims on-line until “the end of January”, they have taken the sims off the grid forever. In a last minute plea to activate the sims long enough to clean off all of our prims they did put them back up “for 24 hours” but as I was not in a very trusting mood, I returned everything and picked up my own objects as well late last night.

I just wanted to apologise to those residents that got mass quantites of prims returned with no warning but LL gave me no choice but to clean things up and do so in a hurry. I figured it better to rescue all of your inventory that let it poof with the sims.

My heartfelt thanks to all of you for making Bishara such a great place. It has been a great pleasure running these sims and for all the stress and long hours I have been rewarded ten-fold by your warmth and friendship. Lissa and I are gratefull to have had the chance to be a part of the Bishara Estate.

My deepest thanks to you Dumi. You have been an inspiration, a dear friend and a mentor. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. You can be very proud of what you created here mate, I know I am.

Last but not least, a special thanks from the SLSA and the entire surfing community. Bishara has been the premier surf venue in SL for nearly 2 years now and I know I speak for hundreds of surf rats, sponsers, designers, vendors and artists that will not soon forget what Bishara has been. Last weekends SLSA comp, held on Pepo was in honour of an old Bish local, Robin Choche. Had it not been for LL pulling the plug earlier than they had promised, the SLSA awards party was to be held on Maji later tonight (Sat the 20th) We have hosted countless Surf-Jams and SLSA comps and well, Bishara has been a major player in the surf scene and will be missed.

Thank you all once again and as always, paddle hard.


2 Responses

  1. I can’t believe its gone….. Bishara totally transformed and enriched my SL experience, and the people I met there will be my friends for a long time. I was only just in time to catch it: I started hanging at Bish in September, and now its digital dust…. All I can say is thank you to the fantastic people that made it what it was. Bishara (and Majini in particular) will not be forgotten.

  2. Maybe you didnot Know I was a fan of Bishara Island, the first home I had in SL. I thank you for the fantastic time I passed there and the inspiration it offered me to write a blog in spanish “Desde Bishara”. I hope your family and economy survive! Good luck!
    PD: I realized Bishara wasnot there yesterday and this morning I came to the internet to find out. Last week I left my avatar in a sun lounger contemplating the sea….

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